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Global Music Tribes

Chloe “Dancer” Smith

Music is the glue that brings unlikely strangers together as friends. Music creates culture and comradely to people of fundamentally different social, political, and national differences. Music, as it manifests itself today in our modern culture, has allowed for strangers to find immediate connection with one another.

A perfect example of this effect can be seen in the documentary Global Metal which bares the tagline “7 Countries, 3 Continents, 1 Tribe.”. In the film anthropologist Sam Dunn describes the metal subculture as a tribe having both set values and distinct variations. The concept is fascinating because it allows for music to be the catalyst for persons from different nations and cultures to relate with another. Whose is stay that music couldn’t be some universal unifying force that can cross all sorts of societal gaps? Was it not Bob Marley who believed that you could physically cure racism through music?

I believe it all comes down to the fact that no matter how removed individuals can be they can still relate to one another through their humanity. Music is simply a way for us to revel in our shared human experience, and despite difference in situations, we are able to put our minds to understanding the point of view of another.

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